
To get started with RestApiAssertions, you must create a builder, passing an apiExecutor, class to use for relative resources, path, and default path args.

Builder api = RestApiAssertions.builder(apiExecutor, getClass(), "/api/students", 1);

In the above example, assertions will use /api/students for collection end point requests and /api/students/1 by default for item requests. Alternate item ids can of course be passed.

The AbstractMockMVCTest provides an example and base test class for using Spring MockMvc.

With the builder you can now make requests fluently.


The following examples assume RestApiAssertions.Builder api has been set up in @Before method in an test.

GET example

The following example will make a request to get course with id 2 and assert that the result matches the content of /src/test/resources/examples/CourseTest/responses/getCourse.json

public void getCourse() {
POST example

The following example will make a request to add a course using the request body from /src/test/resources/examples/CourseTest/requests/addCourse.json and assert that the result matches the content of /src/test/resources/examples/CourseTest/responses/addCourse.json

public void addCourse() {
DELETE example

The following example will make a request to get course with id 2 and assert that the result matches the content of /src/test/resources/examples/CourseTest/responses/testDelete.json

public void testDelete() {
Additional examples

Hopefully you get the gist of how concise and thorough Up! test assertions can be.

Additional examples can be found here: